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Game recognizes game, or so I have heard.

Carlos is the blog master fresh! He rules all the social networks.

Israel is the worship master fresh! He rules the stage when leading worship.

Friday @ 5 est on RAGAMUFFINSOUL.COM you can peep the new Israel video for Just Wanna Say…

Im Just saying.


If you have not checked out the latest issue of INC magazine and the great article with Jim Collins, you better hope on that thing…its fire.

When asked why he was optimistic about the future in such a questionable time:
“A lot of it has to do with the young generation. A general at West Point told me, ‘This is the most inspired and inspiring generation to come through West Point since 1945.’ I see the same thing with the young people who come to work for me. They have a sense of responsibility and service and a lack of cynicism that is remarkable and wonderful. It’s an ethos, and it’s collective. Thats what’s really powerful. It’s connected technologically. It’s not grandiose, but there is a fundamental assumption of being part of a much larger world and a much larger set of aspirations. The world can be a really awful, brutal, turbulent place. And yet I’m hopeful precisely because of this generation of kids. I really think we ought to just give them the keys as soon as we can. Let them run it.”

WOW. Honestly, my generation is full of cynicism. And I represent that generation well. We struggle to believe. We struggle to fight for faith. I want to find some of these kind of heros. The heros that don’t realize they are heros yet. Lets find them, pour into them, then support the heck out of them as they achieve everything we could not because we were to cynical.

I love the Underdogs. You know, the people who are not supposed to make it? The screw ups. The bad news bears. THESE ARE MY PEOPLE. Even more fun is the “Perceived Underdogs”. Perceived Underdogs are Underdogs because they are not understood, or they are underestimated. Right now, I feel like Christians are “Perceived Underdogs”. But guess what…the upset is coming.

I LOVE THIS IDEA RIGHT HERE! Servolution. And I think it is SO DOPE that churches all over the countries have joined the Servolution. I have been getting Texts and Tweets from friends who are partaking. From FREE BREAKFAST in Nasvhille, to a STRIP CLUB MINISTRY in the ATL…Christians are passing on guilting people into salvation and are actually getting into peoples lives and living the love.

Matthew says: Love God and Love Others. Stop making it hard. Stop making it about you. Stop making it about our thing. LOVE PEOPLE. Love them early, love them often, keep loving them even when you get successful. Love them when they disappoint you. Love them when they win Love them when they lose. When they screw up and and they get it right….LOVE THEM. Love…thats all

My new friend BARTON is pretty amazing. He creates stuff that will blow you away. Here is an example:

Check out his site, or IGNITERMEDIA for more of his dope-ness. Buy some of these products and support great art in the church.

So this weeks cover of Newsweek states that Christianity is about to drift away in America. The premise is that in the past 20 years America has moved from 86% Christian to 76% Christian, thus it is over.

WELL, tell that to Rick Warren. He personally teaches the new members class at his “Little” church every month. He stated last night on Larry King that on average they have 100-200 people in the class each month. Last month, however, over 2,400 people attended the class and became members. Oh yea, they also had over 800 water baptisms last month.

Surveys can say whatever you want, it is all in how you ask the question. If you think that what we believe is not connecting, do something about it…make it connect…Rick is doing it, and it is working…BIG.

We are not called to the earth to be defeated, we are called to overcome and bring the kingdom to earth. Just sayin.

On friday I will announce who won the free ticket to Catalyst West. Don’t forget, you have to pay your way out there, but you will experience an AMAZING event! Email me here:

There is a for sure leader right now, do you have what it takes to knock him/her off the top? Lets go people!


In life we pass mile markers. Some recognize these as points in the process for what they are, mile markers. Unfortunately, some people see mile markers as finish lines. As they pass a marker, they slow down. They stop working as hard. They think they have lost, or worse that they have won, yet there is still so much in front of them. Some people pass a mile marker and they quit.

From projects to organizations, personal to professional, goals to achievement, you have to be able to define a mile marker and tell the difference between a mile marker and the finish line. When you start the race you should know where the finish line is, and what it looks like. Then, as you pass mile markers you will know how to regulate your speed, how much ground you need to make up, how to pace yourself and your staff. Mile markers allow you to quantify momentum. Mile markers are awesome, they are IMPORTANT, but they are not finish line.

The saddest thing I see is when people have so much further to go, so much more potential, the ability to make history, and they slow up when they pass a mile marker thinking the race is over. Keep running, never quit, do not settle for the GOOD mile marker when the GREAT mile marker is the finish line!


The cure for religion is relationship. – K Cooley

Tonight in the ATL a pastor who is crazy is going to start a revival week on a campus for 3 of the most influential HBU’s in our country. I love that he is crazy enough to ask for what some people think would be impossible. I love even more that we were able to help. I will share some video after the event tonight. If you don’t know, THIS CHURCH IS DOPE. Tonight they are going to challenge these students to be THE ONE. THE ONE who can change the world just by changing something in THIER OWN WORLDS.

I have never met Shaun in person, only via blog, twitter, and email. I had not met Traci till she arrived at the Roxy to shoot the video. All this came together because of creativity, technology, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to reach a generation. I can not wait to share the video with you when Shaun sends it to me.


(I have been down and out with pneumonia for the last few days. Please excuse the lack of consistency. I am still sick, steroids and meds are starting to kick in, kinda)

Today is March 29. March 28 marks the birthday of not only my brother, but also my main homey Isaiah. Seriously, this kid is next level. I am so thankful to have him in my life. I would do anything for him. I felt this was the perfect blog to come back on, even if I am a day late.


**An Open Letter To Isaiahs Birth-Mom**

7 years ago you did the most selfless thing I can imagine. You put your emotions, feelings, and heart on the line for the betterment of your blood. Thank you for being strong enough, courageous enough, and willing to probably always wonder why, who, what….

It has been 7 years. We think you named him Gage, but we knew we had to call him Isaiah. He is the bomb. He lights up our lives. Thank you for the songs he writes, the dances he creates, the bad jokes he tells, and the life he gives us. He wants to grow up to be a pastor, or a train conductor, depending on the day.

He is very sensitive. He cares a lot about others. He loves family and protects his sisters. Sometimes he asks about you and we honor you for what you did. We explain that it was not easy, and you did it for his best. He lives a good life now. Its not extravagant but he has more than a lot of kids, and based on what we know, he probably is exposed to a different lifestyle. We do our best to keep him connected culturally to his roots, and he is excited the “President Obama is the 44th President and he looks like me.”

We will never be able to repay you for the love you have gifted our family. We pray for you and we know God honors you for doing what you did. I am not sure if there is any type of guilt or other emotion that comes with what you did, but regardless, we thank you.

Isaiah turned 7 yesterday. He had a “Holiday” birthday with Easter eggs and a Christmas cake. He is a unique boy. He loves to be at home, he runs fast, and he lives life to its fullest. Thank you for what you did, but more than that, thank you for HIM. Peace.

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