
In life we pass mile markers. Some recognize these as points in the process for what they are, mile markers. Unfortunately, some people see mile markers as finish lines. As they pass a marker, they slow down. They stop working as hard. They think they have lost, or worse that they have won, yet there is still so much in front of them. Some people pass a mile marker and they quit.

From projects to organizations, personal to professional, goals to achievement, you have to be able to define a mile marker and tell the difference between a mile marker and the finish line. When you start the race you should know where the finish line is, and what it looks like. Then, as you pass mile markers you will know how to regulate your speed, how much ground you need to make up, how to pace yourself and your staff. Mile markers allow you to quantify momentum. Mile markers are awesome, they are IMPORTANT, but they are not finish line.

The saddest thing I see is when people have so much further to go, so much more potential, the ability to make history, and they slow up when they pass a mile marker thinking the race is over. Keep running, never quit, do not settle for the GOOD mile marker when the GREAT mile marker is the finish line!