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Sometimes reality is better than perception. Sucks that people put such a weight and value on the perception even when it is WAY off of said reality.

Which do you value more? The perception or the reality?

Tonight in the ATL a pastor who is crazy is going to start a revival week on a campus for 3 of the most influential HBU’s in our country. I love that he is crazy enough to ask for what some people think would be impossible. I love even more that we were able to help. I will share some video after the event tonight. If you don’t know, THIS CHURCH IS DOPE. Tonight they are going to challenge these students to be THE ONE. THE ONE who can change the world just by changing something in THIER OWN WORLDS.

I have never met Shaun in person, only via blog, twitter, and email. I had not met Traci till she arrived at the Roxy to shoot the video. All this came together because of creativity, technology, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to reach a generation. I can not wait to share the video with you when Shaun sends it to me.


(I have been down and out with pneumonia for the last few days. Please excuse the lack of consistency. I am still sick, steroids and meds are starting to kick in, kinda)

Today is March 29. March 28 marks the birthday of not only my brother, but also my main homey Isaiah. Seriously, this kid is next level. I am so thankful to have him in my life. I would do anything for him. I felt this was the perfect blog to come back on, even if I am a day late.


**An Open Letter To Isaiahs Birth-Mom**

7 years ago you did the most selfless thing I can imagine. You put your emotions, feelings, and heart on the line for the betterment of your blood. Thank you for being strong enough, courageous enough, and willing to probably always wonder why, who, what….

It has been 7 years. We think you named him Gage, but we knew we had to call him Isaiah. He is the bomb. He lights up our lives. Thank you for the songs he writes, the dances he creates, the bad jokes he tells, and the life he gives us. He wants to grow up to be a pastor, or a train conductor, depending on the day.

He is very sensitive. He cares a lot about others. He loves family and protects his sisters. Sometimes he asks about you and we honor you for what you did. We explain that it was not easy, and you did it for his best. He lives a good life now. Its not extravagant but he has more than a lot of kids, and based on what we know, he probably is exposed to a different lifestyle. We do our best to keep him connected culturally to his roots, and he is excited the “President Obama is the 44th President and he looks like me.”

We will never be able to repay you for the love you have gifted our family. We pray for you and we know God honors you for doing what you did. I am not sure if there is any type of guilt or other emotion that comes with what you did, but regardless, we thank you.

Isaiah turned 7 yesterday. He had a “Holiday” birthday with Easter eggs and a Christmas cake. He is a unique boy. He loves to be at home, he runs fast, and he lives life to its fullest. Thank you for what you did, but more than that, thank you for HIM. Peace.

Crazy times. Late nights. God is doing cool stuff. I have not quit blogging, just have to get some stuff done. I will be back consistently in the next few days. Thanks for hanging in with me. Brb! Much love.

It is fun to watch people who know what they are doing. Like when a band rocks a stage because they are so confident in their song, or a speaker delivers a talk with conviction because he knows that the hope he is sharing is real.

People are scared right now. They are on a DESPERATE search for something to believe in. People want to BELIEVE. I really think God is setting up His church to be a place where people come to be empowered, encouraged, and INSPIRED. Today I found this little site online that put some perspective around the year that is 2009. Check it out.



Where are you finding your inspiration? How are you framing life right now? Are you spreading hope? Inspiration breads production. Being reactive all the time breeds fear. We have the most powerful creative force in the universe on our side, we should not be reacting right now, but pioneering.

So what is your identity?

Do you know who you are? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What do you do well, and what are you still learning?

Great companies, teams, organizations, people, and relationships know their identity. Regardless of who or what you do, there will be times when YOUR THING goes through a rough season. Profits will dip, people will leave, you will struggle, YOUR THING will be tested. The organizations, teams, and people that make it through rough times know their identity.

Have you discovered your identity? Do you know what makes you fight, win, tick? Do you know your strengths and how to maximize them, as well as your weaknesses, and core focus?

know your identity. in tough times. who are you?

I dont really fly SWA very much, but here is a dude who is taking the normal, boring thing that he has to do several times a day, and making it fresh, fun, and effective. Enjoy.

So you want to figure our how to create a good experience? LISTEN and care. It is that simple. If you listen you will hear all you need to know, most of the time, to help someone, meet their needs, provide a service, or create a quality experience.

Not rocket science, not even difficult really. Just listen and try to accommodate what you hear (care).

Yesterday I had lunch at a bakery, because they have wi-fi. I ordered Tomato Basil soup, and a grilled cheese sandwich. Not difficult. I order the same thing every time, so I have learned how I need to communicate it to the cashier. Ordering is tricky. Do you want the bowl of soup or the cup? Half sandwich or whole? I have figured it out…so I thought.

I place the normal order, and somehow ended up with a kids sandwich and bowl of soup. Simply, because the person who was listening did not really LISTEN, and probably had something else more important to her on her mind. Also, she forgot to give me my drink cup.

Create the best experiences possible. Become the best church, band, organization, employee, employer, friend, pastor, caretaker, or cashier possible…LISTEN, then care. That simple, that powerful.

The New York times ran a story yesterday about President Obama and the “Prayer Caucus” he has built around him. Much the way he has chosen to attack issues, the President has tapped 5 Christian pastors to lean on for policy, prayer, and conversation. These men, all of whom I have to say are very impressive, admit to being involved with the President.

The most interesting thing about this article is the continued emphasis that is put on “Social Justice.” Not theology. Not political strategy. Not a side of the isle, but the desire to help people experience the meat of Christianity, not just the words. Thats impressive.

In good times anyone can be on your team.

However, in hard times, times of trouble, times of trial the most important question you can ask is “Who can I count on?”. Who you have with you, on your team, getting your back, can hedge your bet against the stuff your dealing with or your situations.

Make sure your team is put together with the right people. Great people, people you trust, people you know will be there for you, and people you believe in and people that believe in you and the mission in front of them. There are enough hard questions to be asked, don’t allow: “Who is with me” to be one of them.

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March 2009