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I love this add from of all places the boys & girls club.

So I had to jump a flight and hit LA for seriously a couple of hours. In yesterday afternoon and right now I am @ lax waiting for my red eye back home. Kinda insane.

Hanging in the airport is like being @ the zoo. People are “watching” each other. Those who are walking, moving, trying to find a flight are like the animals. All the other people sitting are watching, checking, maybe even judging. I suck as a person. I judge books by the cover. I try to figure people out and judge. I am praying about it.

Tonight as I’m sitting here I’m watching and thinking to myself: “god made all these people and cares about them deeply, regardless of how they feel about him.” Each person in this zoo is different. Some are lions, some are penguins. A few are deer, and there are even birds and lizards. They all have a purpose. God created them all to be part of this puzzle that is our world. They all have feelings.they all deal with insecurity, love, issues…its crazy. Tonight I’m seeing this zoo from a different angle. I wish there could be bubbles over peoples heads with their potential, destiny, purpose attached to them for the world to see…and to remind them they have a reason to live and that they are so much more than they realize. What’s in your bubble? What’s in mine? Are we living our bubble or just watching the other animals wishing we could be a different species?

It is 12:34 so it is officially Monday, somewhere. What was the best part of your weekend? 

Are you a Monday lover or a Monday hater? Monday lovers are the people who wake up ready to go Monday. They are ready to go back to work and get busy with a week of trying to be the best at what they do! Monday haters are probably not living their dreams. They are peeps who go to work and by 11 a.m. have already started looking at plans for Friday. 

I am a Monday lover, but I do love to spend time with my fam on the weekends. THEY FREAKING ROCK.

Bitter…Miami loses on a last second play.

Sweet…GA getting it handed to them. 

Headed to LA in the morning for The Power Of One photo shoot. Lets hope that Jack does not go into labor before Tuesday. Happy Sunday kids.

People are scared. 

People need love.

People want to share.

People are hurting.

There is not enough love, hope, or compassion.

You gotta find opportunities in EVERY day to share love, hope, grace, and compassion. It’s not always easy. 

Go to where people are hurting.

If I had a congregation, I would make sure one of our outreach ministries would be nights @ the emergency room. People hurt bad there and are receptive to help, hope, and love. 

Have a great weekend. Enjoy yourself. Do something fun. We have forever together.

As promised, interesting info regarding the story “Rewiring The Creative Mind” in Fast Company. Great piece by Gregory Berns:

  • Creativity and imagination begin with perception. 
  • Perception is a product of your brain itself. 
  • “Iconocalasts” are a class of people Berns defines as people who do things that others say can not be done. (IE: Walt Disney, Steve Jobs)
  • Few are born “Iconocalasts” but it is possible to learn how to develop this process. 
  • “Imagination is like running perception in reverse.” 
  • The brain is lazy and takes the quickest path to an answer. So if your brain is lazy you have to train it to not go to the “gimmes” when you look at situations. 
  • The harder you try to think different, the more the brain falls into its traps.
  • “Corporate Off Sites” rarely work because people plan for these and thus the mind has time to create ideas of what it should be. If you want it to foster creative thinking, surprise people with these “creative times”, do not plan them. 
  • When you change the canvas in your life, you create the opportunity to think creative and develop thought a lot different. 
  • “The more radical the change, the greater likelihood of fresh insights.” 
  • Dale Chihuly, was not even aware he was a glass artist sculpturing great until he lost one of his eyes in a car accident, thus changing how he sees things.
  • “The surest way to provoke the imagination is to seek out environments  you have no experience with.” 
  • Novel experiences short the brain and force the unleashing of imagination. 
Hope this helps you to create a culture of CREATIVE, IMAGINATION, and NEW PERSPECTIVES! 

What happens when a truck going 50 mph hits a dorky mini-van sitting still? Good morning.

Its time to shine friends. According to here is how the folks we live with feel.

Lets start helping each other. Be kind. Love. Walk in grace. It is time for Christians to SHINE! Now is our moment. Build Hope.

How cool is this. I Blogged about an idea of making TextMarks texting practice in your service or show or whatever. I started seeing a bunch of links coming into my blog from textmark…they have a section on their homepage that tracks people who blog about them and puts a snippet and a link BACK to the blogger from that spot. Crazy cool and a great idea.

Yesterday I shared with you about perspective. Of course, as soon as I did that today just got turned on it head! What a freaking freak show of a day. In the 5 minutes I had in the morning before I rolled out to take Zay to school, I flipped open my new issue of FastCompany and would you not know that there is an article by Gregory Berns about how the creative mind is wired. And the entire article is about PERSPECTIVE! I will report on it tomorrow because I have not had a chance to read it today, but that will be what I do before I go to sleep tonight. I know God has a purpose for this concept.

Gregory Berns is the founding member of the Society for Neuro-economics and is a teacher at Emery University. I can not wait to read this article.

In great news, my XM is back up and running and I kinda want to sit in the car all night and just listen and sleep. Oh well. I will be getting to drive to the gym in the AM so that will help. Also, as of tonight, Lincoln was @ number 20 overall album charts. If you have not invested your LESS THAN 10 bucks to enjoy this REALLY good record, head over to iTunes and get it while you can!

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September 2008