You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2008.

So my mac CRASHED last night as I was trying to post this blog. Hard drive gone. New mac up and running in less than 24 hours.

 Worth Dying For is working their butts off. If you have not invested in a great cd, a cd that will lead you into worship, you need to do it and do it NOW! Worth Dying For - Worth Dying For
Here are some heavy hitters in the music biz who are down for the cause. The revolution is upon you…make a decision!



JOSH HAVEN : The Afters

JASON DUNN : Hawk Nelson


Virtual Marketing Blog posted about 3 not-so-known ways to entertain your audience. Interestingly enough, these 3 ways to “entertain” also can be applied to impacting your community or branding your church and help you break through the clutter of the million other businesses in your world.

  1. They Create A Different Category. How many churches are doing the same thing in your town, city, state, or country? What are you doing different? What are you doing to create a category that is unique? Obviously being the brightest light possible is a GREAT start. Start doing some things no one else in your space is doing, and start them this week. This is a lot easier than you would think, and does not have to cost a lot of money. It will cost your creativity, fear, and the willingness to be different. 
  2. They Stand Out From The Crowd. Standing out from the crowd is the will happen if you execute properly on point 1. Being different leaves you vulnerable, but also places you in a space where no one else is living. Finding your Blue Ocean will help you stand out from the crowd. 
  3. They Leverage Things. Use your strong points to introduce people to your programs. Use Sunday morning to introduce people to groups, or book clubs. Leverage your success for FUTURE success. 
Hope this helps. 

Here is a new viral ad from Gatorade. Not real, but VERY cool. What are you doing to make people talk?

I have been running full speed all week. no time for proper blogging, blog reading, blog enjoying, or anything else really. I have a ton of mind dumps brewing for proper blog usage, when the bandwidth opens up properly. Here is to the weekend.

I can not wait to see what God does with THIS RECORD. The stories are already coming in about how these songs are impacting peoples lives! Here is another amazing moment from the album.

Here are the Hillsong versions of Healer. Video number 1 is the song story. Number 2 is the song performance. Desert song tomorrow. This is powerful. Please share THIS SITE. Prayer and hope. has posted their top 33 church logos.

Developing your logo is so important. It is your LOVE MARK when used correctly and it is a gun to your head if not properly designed. Logos are SO important. Love Marks are the marks that when we see them we have amazingly good feelings (apple is a love mark). Bad logos can turn people off to your brand or product before they even give you a chance. (this includes your church)

Put time, effort, and strategy into your logo. It is important to develop your logo as your logo should in theory go before you and prepare the way for the rest of your DNA. I know it probably sounds like I am placing to much emphasis on your logo, but I am not. INVEST!

Yesterday I had a realization, right now my church, the people are am supposed to speak to, usually live inside the music industry. Yesterday we had a meeting with a new friend at Sony. As we spoke about records and projects, healing broke into our agenda. From release dates and hit songs we moved into fear and family history. Say what you will, God showed up in that corner office on the 26th floor overlooking Manhattan and as we deposited hope into 1 persons soul, and left music behind to help our friend along the way. The business of music was removed and the ministry, love, and compassion of a Healer was revealed. THAT is one of the reasons why I love what I do! Yesterday we accomplished something.

Also, check out Xanga is a cool social network that has some really interesting blogging features. In addition, they have started a faith based portal called rev-life.

Don’t forget to go to click here for iTunes and buy the new Lincoln Brewster single. In just 1 day, we are already charting at number 3 on the singles chart. This is a land speed record for Integrity!

So I posted back in May about Lincolns new single: Today Is The Day. This is a song about hope. Well, now you can buy it on iTunes. Single is live today. We have had a great 2 week run up to radio so far. We will be the most added song @ AC radio this week. I will post a link today (as soon as itunes has it updated). But if you go to iTunes, click Christian & Gospel, you can not miss it…ENJOY. (ps i can not get the pic to work cuz this hotel is ghetto fab)

The team is all over the place. Jay is across the pond working it out for us, and Chris and I are in NYC. We are staying in Times Square. I LOVE NY. Like REALLY love it. I told jackie that when the kids move out, we are going to have to move here for at least a year. You just meet so many different people. There is not a bigger canvas for prayer in the world than NY. If you feel you are an agent of hope, come here, cuz these people are looking for some hope.
Yesterday we met with TuneCore. If you want to sell your audio (sermons, music, speeches, etc) TuneCore is the way to go. They can get you anywhere you need or want to be. They are the premiere firm for distributing to all the major online stores. They make it cheap and easy.
Now it is your job to philosophically wrestle with if you are to sell your “goods” or not. To my pastor friends, I say no, but thats on you. Free is the new .99 cents.
Also had dinner with some of our Sony team last night.
Back at it this morning, then headed home tonight. This was a quick trip.

Stephen Brewster's Facebook profile

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The thoughts, opinions, and views expressed on this blog in no way reflect the position or philosophy of Integrity Media or anyone else for that matter.
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June 2008